Law, Medicine, Accounting, Dentistry Etc.
Is Your Practice Ready to Thrive?
Best Leads + Best Practices = Best Firms
Are You Willing to Find Out?
Certified Practice Rescue (CPR)
Specialist Program
Like 1, 2, 3 and 4, Our Two(2)-Week Certified Practice Rescue (CPR)
Specialist Program will Place on the Path to a Prestigious and
Highly Rewarding career Without Incurring Any Student Loans.
STEP#1: Get Interviewed to Pre-qualify for Our CPR Specialist Course.
STEP#2: Attend Our One-Week CPR Specialist Course & Get Certified.
STEP#3: Enter Our One-Week Apprenticeship/Residency Program.
STEP#4: Start Receiving Leads as You Shadow a Senior CPR Specialist; And Start Earning Money Accordingly.
Email Your Resume to:
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